Tuesday, 28 May 2013


It's been a while since I posted here, but I have good reasons (I swear). Mostly I've just not felt I had anything decent to say here, but it's also been a bit of a busy couple of weeks. I've broken a few milestones in writing Maiden Voyage this last week, including 20 chapters, 200 pages and 50,000 words. Frankly, it's starting to look like a novel, and that's exciting.

It's also starting to look like I might actually finish, which is somewhat mind blowing for me. It's not that I didn't think I wouldn't reach the end, it just looks like so much stuff when I look back on what I've written and I come to wonder how on earth I managed a story with an actual cohesive narrative, characters with coherent voices and scenes that I'm reasonably happy with.

When I've finished the first draft there's a few conversations I need to have with a few friends of friends (of friends) about approaching publishing and all that and I'm actually getting pretty excited to have those conversations. Back when I started the whole notion of actually approaching publishers or even people that could help me get published was a little terrifying.

I'll also have to start going about the monumental task of full-scale editing.That's something I still find terrifying. I don't know what's pointless and terrible in the story so far and have no clue as to how to go about removing or replacing those sections seamlessly. There's a couple of formatting things I need to sort out too, which are simple but oh so time consuming. I'm very unsure as to whether there's any point to getting an editor in to help (or even how to go about getting one).

Anyway, everything is looking very promising and with some luck I should soon know if I'm headed toward being published or not.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad that I looked back through your blog :) it's really nice to see the point where you got excited about actually finishing the book!

    - SteamAngel
